Not Net Zero – Net Positive

Source: CSR.DK – Eva Harpøth Skjoldborg Paul Polmans, former CEO of Unilever and now sustainability activist at the highest level – where he advises the UN and the World Economic Forum, and speaks at events and conferences all over the world. Paul Polman...
EU-lovgivningspakke “Fit for 55”

EU-lovgivningspakke “Fit for 55”

Hvordan EU ønsker at nå sine klimamål og omstrukturere økonomien for at gøre det Med lovpakken “Fit for 55” ønsker EU at blive klimaneutral i 2050. EU-parlamentet og medlemslandene er blevet enige om kompromiser på de vigtigste punkter. Europaparlamentet...
Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel, ”The Great Mindshift” !

Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel, ”The Great Mindshift” !

A small excerpt from this book with the warmest recommendations: “It’s the economy, dummy!” – Since one can hardly hope to capture or work on all aspects of sustainability transformations at once, I have zoomed in on what could be a central leverage...